Real Melody – Horse Rider ★★★½

Year Album Artist Stars Score Genre 2023 Real Melody Horse Rider ★★★½ 75 Rock Alternative Rock Emo Central Texas-based band Horse Rider’s 38 minute debut album Real Melody provides emo-influenced lyrics and vocals with a grunge soundboard and slowcore energy.  The opening half of the album is really strong— with “Hollow” being a standout andContinue reading “Real Melody – Horse Rider ★★★½”

List: All the concerts I’ve ever been to

By Nicholas Cicale I love going to concerts, and this article lists every concert I’ve ever been to! 2019 11/15/19: Flying Lotus with Brandon Coleman Spacetalker, Salami Rose Joe Louis, and PBDY at Emo’s Austin 10/21/19: Vampire Weekend with Christone “Kingfish” Ingram at ACL Live Austin 9/19/10: Built To Spill with ORUÃ, XETAS at MohawkContinue reading “List: All the concerts I’ve ever been to”

The People of Lady Bird Lake

Written by Melissa Hall It’s not the hardcore bikers you need to worry about when you decide to take a stroll around Lady Bird Lake, one of the nicest places in Austin to take your dog, or go for a jog, or walk around with your friend, mocha lattes in hand, claiming that you’re “gettingContinue reading “The People of Lady Bird Lake”